Writing a Page that Ranks Fast on Google

How to Create a Page for a Local Business

If you search for “how to write content for SEO”, perhaps the most popular advice is to write for humans. This means you have to make sure that the content is easy to read and understand. 

As Google changes its algorithm to best serve the searchers and give them the most relevant results, writing website content for SEO purposes has also evolved. 

Now, when you are writing website content for SEO, your target is no longer solely humans. Additionally, you will be writing for the AI that visits your website and evaluates whether the content is relevant enough to appear on the first page of search results.

In this article, we will talk about how to make your website rank number 1 on Google search results through location pages. 

What is a Location Page?

Location pages are web pages built specifically for location-specific keywords. Location pages are perfect for businesses that provide services in multiple locations and want to target the local community. 

What are the benefits of location pages?

Possibly the most obvious purpose for having location pages is to inform your customers where you are. 

Moreover, since the page is localized, you can offer local updates, offer specific information and services without affecting the rest of your website. 

And lastly, and perhaps the biggest benefit of having a local page is for you to improve your ranking in Google search results.

However, to be able to rank fast in Google, you should know how to write content for that purpose. 

Without further ado, let’s dig right into how to create a page for local businesses that rank fast on Google:

Select the keyword you wish to use to rank your website

You cannot rank without using keywords. Your website’s SEO keywords are the words and phrases that enable people to reach your website through search engines, in this case, Google.

The image above is an example of a location page with content built around the keyword “web design company in Salisbury, Maryland”

This is a location page built specifically for the keyword “web design company in Salisbury, Maryland”.

How do you choose a keyword? 

Usually, SEO experts use tools to find the keywords with the highest search volume. 

A keyword with the highest search volume means that the majority of searchers use that specific phrase to look for websites like yours.

If you don’t have any keywords, you can analyze what are the phrases your target market use to search for your business?

For the example above, we are using the keywords “web design company in Salisbury, Maryland”.

To be able to rank your page, regardless of the nature of your business, you would want to create a page (in this case, a location page)  dedicated to that specific keyword.

Write your headline using the keyword

H1 Keyword

Usually, when doing copywriting for websites, marketers use powerful words in the header to capture the user’s attention.

This is a good strategy for homepages, but it’s different for Google.

When Google crawls your site, it’s going to look for the H1. Google reads headings to understand the subject of the paragraphs that follow the header. This means that they are using the header to better understand the content of the pages.

That said, putting your most important keyword in the H1 straight away tells Google what your webpage is all about.

While it’s tempting to put power words on H1, it’s important that these elements, including H2 as well, are keyword specific.

The first paragraph should explain what your keywords are about

You will notice that we used the keyword right away on the first sentence, but in a question format – and Google will also recognize this as a question.

We then answered the question by introducing our company or introducing the brand to make it more relevant.

By giving out important information, we give a signal that we are not just doing keyword stuffing. Instead, we are reinforcing that this page is a web design page in Salisbury without giving an impression that we are doing keyword stuffing.

Add an internal link to your website

Still using relevant keywords for the site, make sure that you can link one of your homepages in the first paragraph.

In the example above, we linked the keyword “new custom website design project in Salisbury” to our internal web design home page.

That home page does not talk about any locations, however, the content is mostly about web design and our web design services.

This signals to Google that this location page is really about a web design company that is located in Salisbury.

Use a ranking photo for your location page

Location page photo for SEO

Images on location pages don’t just perform better in rankings but they also pull attention when it shows on the search results page.

Pro tip: Use the first photo that pops up when you search for the location. Some photos are copyrighted so we recommend that you pay for those photos. If not, then you can use the photos for free.

We added an overlay text “Salisbury, Maryland” and add alt images and texts on the tooltip using the keywords including the location.

To wrap up…

The ultimate goal when writing content for a page or website to rank is to give a signal to Google that your webpage is relevant to what the user is searching for.

And as Google crawls throughout your location page, the content should continuously give a signal to further reinforce and convince Google that your webpage is what the users are looking for.

To learn more about how to rank your website on Google, watch this video, subscribe to our Youtube channel, and follow us on Facebook and Instagram.

If you need assistance in your web design or if you want to rank your website, feel free to contact us here.[/fusion_text][/fusion_builder_column][/fusion_builder_row][/fusion_builder_container]

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